Tuesday, December 14, 2004

the 5-m tall window

a ball, dropped from rest, passes a 5-m tall window in 0.5 s. what is the height where the ball was dropped??



you'd think it was an easy enough question, but no. @%#*&$!!!
i might go to jail if id say what i want to really say now -- so im not telling. but i do know(and can say here) that my highschool physics teach totally wouldnt approve of """different interpretations of the problem""" whatsoever. duh. of course. its PHYSICS not PHILOSOPHY, dude.
and then theres the sentence construction issue. our comm profs would be utterly revolted if they heard her, im just sure. and whats with her talking about common sense??? id rather have none if it was only to be bent and broken by the likes of her. and for clarification: THERE IS SUCH A THING AS A 5-M TALL WINDOW.
thats it. im going to jail.

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