Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'm fragile. I'm breakable. I'm your mother's fucking china.

Wuss. Pussy. Chicken-effing-shit.

I have never been called these words but with the way I've been dealing recently, "I deserve to be" is nothing short of an understatement. That is a huge enough deal coming from me.

Whoever started the saying "When god closes a door, he opens another" is a fucking moron. It's either that or god hates me (and since I'm pretty sure I don't believe in god, I'm sticking with the moron story.) Why? Because that last archetype of a door was kicked shut on face, broke my nose, and left me in a futile search for that promised ajar one. So far, all I have been knocking onto and into are walls. Tall, solid, constricting. Walls.

My head smarts. My eyes are hateful geysers. I am like a chibi manga person with a crestfallen expression that's less cuter and more piercingly real. I'm being followed by this hovering dark cloud and people not only see it but actually feel it, emanating from me, and I hate it because I can't get rid of it, but then I don't wanna get rid of it, and now I'm just ten kinds of depressing.

My friend had advised me to look forward to the future but I can't. I can't find that feeling that would make me want to. I'm too busy wallowing. I like wallowing. Because wallowing is good to me. I'm sorry but I took the liberty of bulleting the reasons of that:

* Wallowing is solitary and draining and does not require a schedule for tomorrow.
* Wallowing lets you miss class for a week and never throws questions that make you squirm in guilt about it.
* It doesn't scold you to quit moping or say that you're only option is to move on with your life.
* It is never gonna ask you if everything's alright because it already knows it isn't. It fucking isn't.

That's why wallowing is my friend.

Lord, I need therapy. More than once I rode the bus and thought that if there ever was a crash and I died - I wouldn't care. I'd not want lots of others to be harmed in the crash so I would prefer it if the impact was on my side of bus. (Oh, fuck. Writing this and just plain thinking about it are two totally different experiences.) Correct me if I'm mistaken but I think that my train of thought reaching the point where I even picked a place to sit on the theoretical bus qualifies me as psychotic bordering on suicidal. I do need a shrink, then. If only my family could afford it. If only I could own up to it. Why do I have to be the person that disintegrates at the first signs of failure? Why must I be him who loses determination when blocked with negativity? Him who gives up the fight as easily as butter to a knife? Yes, I'm fragile, I'm breakable. I'm your mother's fucking china.


khristy said...

oh dont be so glum chum..

max yambao said...

i wrote that in like march. so im over it all na haha :)